recent research, more than 50% of Aboriginal people live
in cities. As this population undoubtedly continues to grow in
Montreal, the Native Friendship Center of Montreal (NFCM) also
continues to transform in order to meet the needs of this diverse group
of people.
The Inter-Tribal Youth Center (ITYC) is a project of the NFCM,
established since 1999. The ITYC was created to target Aboriginal
youths (ages 12-29) in Montreal by providing them a safe, welcoming,
and non-judgemental environment where there are a variety of activities
aimed to improve their livelihood.
Many of our First Nations, Métis, and Inuit youths, come from a
of backgrounds such as the Arctic North and even from urban Montreal.
This population consistently faces the challenging conditions of urban
environments such as hunger, homelessness, prejudice, and unemployment.